Tips for Novice Traders

Novice Traders must have rigid discipline. Having a strict adherence to system, the novice traders can have love win rations yet have a working off checklist that can make they win in the battle of trading.
Financial literacy is still at its infancy here in the Philippines. Many Filipinos have no idea about
investments such as online trading. This is where SmarTrade plays an important role in delivering
100% free learning sessions to help many Pinoys gain financial control and growth.
One of the free learning opportunities offered by SmarTrade is online trading. With the pandemic
already on its second year, we have seen how everything has shifted online.
Today is the perfect time to begin your online trading journey if you have been thinking about it. We
have rounded up some tips for you on where and how to start:
Start with your “why” and align with your core values.
For you to be successful in anything, you always have to look at the core reasons why you want to do the things you do. This is also applicable if you want to begin in online trading. Why doyou want to be a trader? Knowing your “why” and your core values will help determine how you are as a trader, the kind of trading strategy you will implement later on, and how it complements your lifestyle too.
Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to succeed
The game of trading requires hard work. We won’t sugarcoat this because it really takes time and effort to master the rules of the game. And since there is money involved, it is best not to leave things to chance. One has to dive deep on indicators, financial indices, market updates, as well as managing risks and losses.
Build resilience and emotional mastery
Trading comes with risk and it is important to fully understand this so that you are well-equipped to execute your
trades and in case of losses, you have the resilience and emotional mastery to cope with them and bounce back.
Never stop learning. Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, forex – these are the buzzwords in the world of trading
Yes, while there is still a big market for those who are more conservative when it comes to their trading portfolio, one cannot escape encountering these instruments that dominate the latest trades. If you want to always be on the top of your game, you have to keep yourself abreast with these recent trends in the industry and if it is something you can take advantage of. SmarTrade offers free learning sessions and one-on-one coaching on these topics so you can try them out when you join trading platforms like ATFX.
Partner with reputable trading platforms
With so many phishing sites nowadays trying to lure people, you have to be careful to deal only with reputable trading platforms so your resources are secure. A quick check on the Internet may give you an indication of how long the company has existed in the industry, and at the same time, how expansive its global reach. One of these trading platforms is ATFX whose core mission is to make online trading accessible for its clients, while offering the best experience a global brand has to offer.
Novice Traders
If you want to be a serious trader, these are just some of the tips you can quickly implement. Should you have any other questions, visit and get free resources on developing your financial acumen especially in trading. SmarTrade’s free learning sessions and online
resources are perfect for novice and advanced traders alike and without any hidden fees or charges, you literally have nothing to lose.
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