Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis Fundamental analysis is a technique for studying financial markets, such as the foreign exchange (forex) market, by looking at economic, social, and political variables that could affect the value of currencies. The intrinsic value of a currency has to be ascertained, and trading opportunities are to be found. The main elements of fundamental […]

Fundamental Indicators

Fundamental Indicators Forex traders frequently track the number of fundamental indicators to evaluate the state of economies and probable currency moves. As for the following these crucial fundamental indicators for forex are listed below Gross Domestic Product (GDP) As we all know, GDP is a metric used to assess a nation’s economic performance and expansion. […]

Lagging Indicator

Lagging Indicator In forex trading, lagging indicators support and corroborate prior price moves and patterns. All because whenever they send signals after a price shift has occurred, they are known as “lagging” indicators. Although they might need to improve forecasting future price fluctuations, they can help validate trends and offer further information. The following are […]

Guide to become a Profitable Trader

Guide to become a Profitable Trader​ Guide to become a Profitable Trader comes from discipline. Improving daily as a trader is the best way to achieve long-term financial goals. My question is: “How will you achieve them?” A combination of knowledge, experience, discipline, and ongoing growth is necessary to become a better trader. Improving yourself […]

Importance of Backtesting

Importance of Backtesting What is Backtesting Importance of Backtesting. To start with, Backtesting is a procedure used in trading to assess a trading system. It is also a strategy’s effectiveness based on past data. It entails simulating hypothetical trades and evaluating how the strategy would have performed historically by applying a set of established rules to […]

Pointers for Beginner Traders

Pointers for Beginner Traders Tips before starting your forex trading journey Pointers for Beginner Traders. Online Trading is intimidating most of the time because of the market’s volatility but many traders start their journey with forex trading. Are you ready to start your trading journey with forex? If YES then here are some tips that […]

Trading Education Importance

Trading Education Importance Trading Education Importance is over-the-top if you want to become a successful trader. In able to have profitable trades, you must undergo a proper trading education. SmarTrade PH offers FREE Learning Sessions in able for our fellow Filipinos to learn Online Trading as a Long Term Investment. Here’s the several reasons why Trading […]

What is Online Trading

What is Online Trading What is Online Trading? Since ancient times, when individuals traded commodities and services for other goods and services of similar value, trading has been a core human activity. Barter, neighborhood markets, and long-distance trade routes are examples of the numerous forms of commerce that emerged as civilizations and economies progressed. History […]

Why Some Forex Trader Fails

Why Some Forex Trader Fails Why Some Forex Trader Fails Nowadays, we live in a world wherein we need a side hustle to have an extra income. Then we know TRADING is one of the side hustles we can work on. However, only a few survived in the trading industry. This blog will explain why […]

History of Forex Trading

History of Forex Trading The origins of foreign exchange transactions trace back thousands of years ago, giving rise to a long history of forex trading. Here is a quick rundown of the significant turning points in forex trading history Currency trading It has been practiced since the dawn of civilization. It is thought that the […]